린브룩 빌리지 다운타운 활성화

In the heart of our downtown district, Atlantic Ave has rows of connected stores on both sides of the street from Merrick Rd on its North boundary, to Stauderman/LIRR tressle on its South. A building located at 25-29 Atlantic Ave is vacant. Its front is on the West side of Atlantic Ave and its back opens into a lot that abutts Broadway. We intend to purchase the building, demolish it, ; create a passageway for pedestrians to walk from the parking lots to the avenue where the stores ; businesses are. This project, (AREA 1) was approved for CFA Funding 2018. AREA 2 Project refers to the portion of lot on Broadway behind 25-29 Atlantic Ave to accomodate a rear walkthru. Plans will be drawn up to make this space decorative ; welcoming as well as safe ; protected. There are currently several individual stores, businesses, buildings, restaurants, located on Broadway that will also be served by allowing pedestrians to walk through and shop, dine or work on either Avenue. A LIRR station is located in easy walking distance of Broadway, where the West parking lots are. This will enhance access to the Downtown to visitors from all points of Long Island, NYC, Queens, Brooklyn etc, via LIRR
프로그램 이름:
엠파이어 스테이트 개발 보조금 기금
대행사 ID:
지원자 이름:
Inc. 빌리지 오브 린브룩 뉴욕
롱 아일랜드
CFA 상금:
현재까지 지급된 보조금:

프로젝트 상태:
예상 완료 날짜: